Botschaften |
U.S.A | 312 455 55 55 | Atatürk Bulvarı no: 110, Kavaklıdere/ ANKARA |
Germany | 312 426 53 65 | Atatürk Bulvarı No:124, Ankara |
Albania | 312 441 61 05 | Ebuziya Tevfik Sok. No:17 Çankaya/ ANKARA |
Australia | 312 446 11 80 | Nene Hatun Cad. No: 83 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Austria | 312 434 21 72 | Atatürk Bulvarı No:189 Kavaklıdere/ANKARA |
Belgium | 312 446 82 47 | Mahatma Ghandi Cad. No: 55Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Bulgaria | 312 426 74 55 | Atatürk Bulvarı No: 124 ANKARA |
China | 312 436 06 28 | GölgeliSok.No: 34 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Czech Republic | 312 426 58 87 | AtatürkBulvarı No: 124 ANKARA |
Denmark | 312 468 77 60 | KırlangıçSok. No:42 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Indonesia | 312 438 21 90 | Abdullah Cevdet Sokak No. : 10 P.O.Box-42, Cankaya |
Philippines | 312 446 58 31 | Mahatma Gandhi Cad. No: 6 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Finland | 312 426 59 21 | P.K:22 Kavaklıdere/ ANKARA |
France | 312 468 11 54 | ParisCad. No:70 Kavaklıdere/ ANKARA |
Georgia | 312 447 17 20 | Ulubey Sok. No:28 ANKARA |
India | 312 438 21 95 | Cinnah Caddesi No:77/A Çankaya, ANKARA |
Netherlands | 312 446 04 70 | Turan Güneş Bulvarı, 7. Cadde, NO: 3 06550, ANKARA |
England | 312 409 18 00 | Şehitersan Cad. No:46 Çankaya/ ANKARA |
Iran | 312 427 43 20 | Tahran Cad. No:10 Kavaklıdere/ ANKARA |
Israel | 312 446 36 05 | Mahatma Ghandi Cad. No:85 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Italy | 312 426 54 60 | Atatürk Bulvarı No:118 ANKARA |
Spain | 312 438 03 92 | Abdullah Ceydet Sok. No:8 Çankaya/ ANKARA |
Sweden | 312 428 67 35 | Katipçelebi Sok. No:7 ANKARA |
Switzerland | 312 467 55 55 | AtatürkBulvarı No:247 ANKARA |
Japan | 312 446 05 00 | Reşatgalipaşa Cad. No:81 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Canada | 312 436 12 75 | NeneHatun Cad. No:75 Gaziosman paşa/ ANKARA |
Lithuania | 312 447 07 66 | Mahatma Gandi Cad. No: 17/8-9 Ankara |
Lebanon | 312 446 74 87 | KızkulesiSok. No:44 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Hungary | 312 418 92 38 | Gazi Mustafa Kemal Paşa Bulvarı No:10 ANKARA |
Egypt | 312 426 10 26 | AtatürkBulvarı No:126 ANKARA |
Moldova | 312 446 56 27 | KaptanSok. No:49 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Norway | 312 436 00 51 | KelebekSok. No:18 Gaziosmanpaşa/ ANKARA |
Polond | 312 467 56 19 | Atatürk Bulvarı No:241 ANKARA |
Portugal | 312 446 18 90 | Kuleli Sok. No:26 Kavaklıdere/ANKARA |
Romania | 312 427 12 41 | BükreşSok. No:4 Çankaya/ ANKARA |
Russia | 312 439 21 22 | KayacıSok. No:5 Çankaya/ ANKARA |
Serbia | 312 426 02 36 | ParisCad. No:47 Kavaklıdere/ANKARA |
Slovenia | 312 405 60 07 | KupeSokak 1/3 06700 GOP/ANKARA |
Syria | 312 440 96 57 | Abdullahcevdet Sok. No:7 Çankaya/ ANKARA |
Thailand | 312 467 34 09 | Çankaya Cad. Kader Sok. 45/3-4 Gaziosmanpaşa/ANKARA |
Ukraine | 312 439 99 73 | AlabaşSok. No:3/2 Çankaya |
Jordan | 312 440 20 54 | MesneviDede Korkut Sok. no 18 Çankaya/ ANKARA |
New Zealand | 312 467 90 56 | İran Cad. No:13/4 Kavaklıdere Ankara |
Greece | 312 436 88 60 | Zia Ür-Rahman Caddesi No.9-11Gaziosmanpaşa-Ankara |
Konsuliert |
U.S.A | 212 335 90 00 | İstinye Mahallesi, Kaplıcalar Mevkii No.2 İstinye 34460 / İSTANBUL |
Germany | 212 251 54 04 | İsmet İnonü Cad. No: 16 Gümüşsuyu/ İSTANBUL |
Albania | 212 296 24 28 | Valikonağı Cad. Ekmek Fabrikası sok. No: 4, Nişantaşı/İSTANBUL |
Australia | 212 257 70 50 | Tepecik Yolu No: 58 Etiler/ İSTANBUL |
Austria | 212 262 93 15 | Köybaşı Cad. No: 46 Yenikoy/İSTANBUL |
Belgium | 212 243 33 00 | Sıraselviler Cad. No: 73 Taksim/ İSTANBUL |
Bulgaria | 212 269 04 78 | Ulus Mahallesi, Adnan Saygun Cad. No: 44 2. Levent/İSTANBUL |
China | 212 272 52 00 | OrtaklarCad. no 14 Mecidiyeköy/ İSTANBUL |
Czech Republic | 212 234 13 66 | Abdi İpekci Cad. No:71 Maçka/ İSTANBUL |
Denmark | 212 245 03 85 | BilezikSok. No:2 Fındıklı/ İSTANBUL |
Estonia | 212 211 34 80 | KoşehittlerCad. No: 39 Zincirlikuyu/ İSTANBUL |
Finland | 212 283 57 37 | Çamlık Cad. Ayaz Sok. No: 2/4 Levent/ İSTANBUL |
France | 212 334 87 30 | İstiklälCad. No: 8 Taksim/İSTANBUL |
England | 212 293 75 40 | MeşrutiyetCad. No: 34 Tepebaşı Beyoğlu/ İSTANBUL |
Iran | 212 513 82 30 | AnkaraCad. No:1 Cağaloğlu/ İSTANBUL |
Israel | 212 225 10 40 | ValikonağıCad. No: 73/4 Nişantaşı/ İSTANBUL |
Netherlands | 212 251 50 30 | İstiklalCad. No:393 Beyoğlu/ İSTANBUL |
Italy | 212 243 10 24 | TomtomKaptan Sok. No:15 Beyoğlu/ İSTANBUL |
Spain | 212 270 74 10 | Karanfil Aralığı sokak. No:16 1.Levent/ İSTANBUL |
Sweden | 212 243 57 70 | İstiklälCad. No:497 Tünel/ İSTANBUL |
Switzerland | 212 259 11 15 | HüsrevGerede Cad. No:75/3 Teşvikiye/ İSTANBUL |
Japan | 212 251 76 05 | İnönüCad. No: 24 Gümüsuyu/ İSTANBUL |
Canada | 212 251 98 38 | İstiklalCad. No: 373/5 Beyoğlu/ İSTANBUL |
Lebanon | 212 236 13 65 | TeşvikiyeCad. Saray ap. No: 134/1 Teşvikiye/ İSTANBUL |
Hungary | 212 225 55 01 | Poyracık Sok. No:35 Teşvikiye/ İSTANBUL |
Egypt | 212 263 60 38 | CevdetPaşa Cad. No:173 Bebek/ İSTANBUL |
Norway | 212 249 97 53 | BilezikSok. 2 Fındıklı/ İSTANBUL |
Poland | 212 291 03 00 | Büyük Çiftlik Sok. No: 5/7 Nişantaşı/ İSTANBUL |
Portugal | 212 250 11 30 | Okçu Musa Cad. Nor Han No:52/2 Bankalar |
Romania | 212 244 42 84 | SıraselvilerCad. No:55 Taksim/ İSTANBUL |
Russia | 212 244 16 93 | İstiklalCad. No:443 Beyoğlu/ İSTANBUL |
Serbia | 212 248 10 04 | ValikonağıCad. No: 96/A Nişantaşı/ İSTANBUL |
Slovenia | 216 318 91 91 | HacyResitpasa Sokak No:781180 Çamlıca İSTANBUL |
Syria | 212232 67 21 | Maçka Cad. No:59/3 Teşvikiye/ İSTANBUL |
Tunusia | 216 302 99 70 | BloklarıC Blok D:4 81030 Feneryolu İSTANBUL |
Ukraine | 212 252 54 02 | MithatPaşa Han No: 92-94 İnönü İsmet Cad. Gümüşsuyu İSTANBUL |
Jordon | 212 230 12 22 | Kalıpçısok. No: 119 Kat:2 Daire: 6 Teşvikiye/ İSTANBUL |
Socialist Republic of Vietnam | 212 274 69 08 | Itri Sok. Balmumcu Beşiktaş/ İSTANBUL |
New Zealand | 212 211 11 14 | |
Greece | 212 245 05 97 | Turnacıbaşı Sok. No:32 Galatasaray/ İSTANBUL |
Botschaften |
U.S.A | (1-202) 612 67 00 | 2525 Massachusets Avenue, N.W.WASHINGTON, D.C 20008 |
Austria | (43-1) 505 73 38 | Prinz Eugen STR. 40 1040 WIEN |
Denmark | (45) 33 22 31 00 | Rosbaeksvej 15 2100 Copenhagen |
Spain | (34-91) 319 80 64 | Calle Rafael Calvo 18-2 A Y B MADRID 28010 |
Israel | (972-3) 524 11 01 | 202 Hayarkon ST. P.O.BOX 6491 61064 TEL AVIV |
Sweden | (46-8) 23 08 40 | Dag Hammarskjölds Vag 20 115 27 STOCKHOLM |
Italy | (39-06) 494 15 47 | Via Palestro, 28 00185-ROME |
Japan | (81-3) 34 70 51 31 | 33-6,2 Chome Jingumae Shibuya-ku TOKYO |
Canada | (1-613) 789 4044 | 197 Wurtemburg Street Ottowa Ontaria K1N 8L9 Canada |
Kuwait | (965) 253 14 66 | Istiqlal STR. Plot No:16 Embassies Area |
The Hague | (00 31-70) 360 49 12 |
Jan Evertstraat 15 2514 BS Den Haag / HOLLANDA |
Russia | (7-095) 246 00 09 | 7. Rostovsky Pereulok 12 Moscow |
Singapore | (65) 732 92 11 | 20-B Nassim Road SINGAPORE 258397 |
Konsuliert |
Berlin | (49-30) 892 50 33 | Johann-Georg Strasse 120709 Berlin 31 Deutschland |
Brussels | (32-2) 502 27 42 | 4, Rue Montoyer 1000 Bruxelles Belgique |
Frankfurt | (49-69) 795 00 30 | Zeppel ˜Nallee 17 FrankfurtT Am Main Deutschland |
Netherlands | (00 31-70) 360 49 12 |
Westblaak 2 3012 KK Rotterdam Holand |
Londra | (44-207) 589 09 49 | Rutland Lodge, Rutland Gardens Knightsbridge SW7 1BW London ENGLAND |
Moskow | (7-8432) 64 46 40 | Kazan Karl Marks Street No: 71 P.O: 141 Kazan Tatarstan Autonomous Republich |
Münih | (49-89) 178 03 10 | Meinzinger STR. 3 Munchen Deutschland |
New York | (1-212) 949 01 59 | Turkish Center 821, United Nations Plaza, 5TH Floor New York, N.Y 10017 U.S.A. |
Paris | (33 -1) 42 27 32 72 | 184, Boulevard Malesherbes 75017 Paris FRANCE |
Rome | (39-2) 551 33 70 | Milano V˜a San Barnaba, 30 20122-M˜lano ITALIA |
Sidney | (61-2) 9328 1155 / 9328 1239 | 66 Ocean Street Woollahran S.W.2025 Sydney AUSTRALIA |
Washington | (1-323) 937 01 18 | Los Angeles 4801 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 310 Los Angeles, CA. 90010 U.S.A. |
Zürih | (41-1) 368 29 00 | Weinberg Strasse 65 8006- ZURICH SCHWEIZ |